
Art Helps Create Better Living



Not everyone is an artist. Not everyone understands art. Yet there are numerous ways in which art can help people lead a better life. You need not be an artistic person for this. Just find a little enthusiasm and time to invest in art and you can lead a much more productive, happy and healthy life. Here are reasons:

Escape the Mundane

Are you going through a bad phase? Are you a little bit too overwhelmed maintaining the daily routine regularly? Take a break and visit the local museum or gallery because psychological studies have shown that even looking at art helps get rid of stress and anxiety. Especially landscape pictures are real food for the mind for they help buy tickets for the vacation you can’t afford right now.

Art Equivalents to Smart

Art works like a positive catalyst and helps the brain work better. The blood circulation in brain increases even by looking at art forms and paintings. A study in 2013 showed how students with more artistic exposure are more capable of numerous qualities like analytic skills; they are more tolerant by nature. So art is equals to smart!

Energy Drink for Productivity

Numerous reports have revealed that art helps boost up creativity. People who work in an office space decked with artworks and paintings show more creativity and productivity in their due work. This even gets better when they become allowed to choose the artworks and decorate them as per their wishes.

Apart from this different colors have different impact on the mind. For instance if the color is blue it helps achieve stability, red affects the creative process etc.

The Healing Capacity of Art

Art has immense healing power. Both creating and observing art are help benefit the health. Reports have shown how art helps patients improve health if introduced in the hospital atmosphere. Even doctors acknowledge nowadays this healing capacity of artworks. Patients recover early if they get access to paintings regularly. An America based study have shown how several patients have acknowledged the help of art based activities in increasing the speed of recovery and betterment of medical outcome.

Art Helps the Communication Process

Art can be a better alternative in the process of communication than words sometimes. There are numerous things that can’t be expressed through words. Art helps someone expressed those emotions and gives them a reliable medium. When someone else looks at those artworks a bridge of communication gets created.

Artists throughout this world create artworks and express their concerns, protests through these mediums. In this way art is able to help build a better world, where peace is the medium of communication.

Single yet Artistic

When we romantically get involved with someone our brain releases feel good hormone. Studies have shown being in presence of artworks or observing them stimulates the similar part of the brain when in love. This is because of the feeling of ecstasy and emotional happiness that arises because of the artworks.

So don’t just read and wait. Surprise yourself with a sudden visit to a museum or gallery and experience the difference yourself.


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