Quickest Morning Routine for the Busiest Women

Whether it’s working late hours at the office or taking care of the kids, busy people won’t always have enough time to do some essential getting-ready routines. These include working out, eating breakfast, and more. If you are one of the busiest women, you don’t have to worry because we’ve got you covered. Below are some tips to make your everyday morning routine quicker and much easier to pull off.
Obey your alarm.
The most common cause of tardiness and counterproductivity is not waking up as soon as the alarm goes off. Snooze buttons don’t offer much help either. The thing is, you will always want a little bit more time to laze around and extend our shut-eye. Waking up on the dot and not a minute later is a habit that you must incorporate with your morning routine. Remember that some tasks can get done within that extra 5-10 minutes. You’ll accomplish more for the day if you just choose to obey your alarm.
Leave some room for meditation.
Managing one’s busy schedule calls for the much-needed time for oneself. Spare 5-15 minutes of your morning to meditate and just clear your mind from certain negativities. It can get you motivated and encourage you to be active for the rest of the day. It’s also a great way to get rid of constant office burnouts. In fact, England’s NHS is pushing for meditation in the workplace to increase company productivity and mindfulness and reduce stress hormones. This is often partnered with emotional control.
Don’t bring your phone into the bathroom.
Technology makes it even more difficult to part with distractions. If you can’t afford to waste your precious time, you need to part with your smartphone for a hot minute. When you bring your smartphone with you in the bathroom, you let the distraction in instead of sticking to your no-nonsense morning routine.
Keep a simplified beauty routine.
Power women know how to act and look professional. She knows how to doll herself up accordingly using only the essential products. If you keep to a simple, quick, and easy beauty routine, you’re not just breaking a common female stereotype. You are also creating space for other tasks to be performed.
Get a blender for an on-the-go food.
Busy people need fuel to accomplish their many tasks, but sometimes, even a healthy and yummy breakfast gets compromised in one’s ever-dynamic lifestyle. Now, a well-balanced breakfast doesn’t always have to be solid food. In fact, you can go for portable alternatives in getting the proper nourishment. Perhaps the quickest breakfast routine that you can do to save some time is to blend fresh and healthy ingredients together into a drinkable juice. If you haven’t started treating your morning routine and diet seriously, you may want to start now.
You can come up with a morning routine to get a head start at work and increase productivity. The routine outlined below can only take a little over a couple of hours to complete:
- Wake up
- Meditate/work out (5-10 mins)
- Shower/morning ablutions without smartphone (15-20 mins)
- Get dressed/beauty routine (10 mins)
- Serve up a quick and healthy breakfast (15 mins)
- Eat (10 mins)
- Brush teeth (5 mins)
- Go to work (relative)
Let’s face it: not everyone enjoys waking up early in the morning. However, we can’t deny that it is the best practice for a woman who’s always on-the-go. For a busy woman, mornings are best enjoyed when tasks get completed, and routines are performed in the least time possible.
Small lifestyle alterations that can make a huge difference in your happiness and health

Happiness is a state of mind and it has nothing to do with success or money. If you choose to be happy, you can find peace everywhere. And it is a known fact that the body and mind are connected. If the mind is not happy, it takes a toll at your health as well. In order to be fit and happy, all you need to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Can lifestyle changes change our life?
Here is a list of small lifestyle variations that can impact your life immensely:
- 1. Take care of your mind- Most of us tend to take physical health seriously and overlook mental health. Mental peace is as important as eating right, sleeping on time and exercising. If your mind is not happy, it affects your relationships, your work, and your overall health. So, find out time to do things that give you satisfaction and peace. It could be reading books, travelling, listening to music, or spending time with close friends. Keep educating that beautiful mind of yours!
- 2. Eat and sleep well- No matter how busy your schedule is, sleeping and eating are two things areas in which one should never compromise. Spend time eating and enjoy the process instead of eating in hurry. Sleep for at least 7 hours at night to remain energetic throughout the day. To promote good sleep, create a dreamy, sleepy ambience with soft light, white sheets and no noise.
- 3. Avoid social media- Spending hours after hours on social media has become has emerged as the greatest addiction at present. Research studies have revealed that addiction to social media causes anxiety, frustration, insomnia and several other problems. So, taking occasional breaks from the social networking sites like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram will prove refreshing and relaxing.
- 4. Start your day with a glass of water- This is one morning ritual that you can easily practice. Starting the day with a glass or two of water can perform wonders to your body. It keeps the body hydrated throughout the day, acts as fuel to your brain, and betters the immune system.
- 5. Take occasional breaks from your daily routine- As we age, responsibilities keep adding up. We all need breaks from our monotonous daily routine at times. So, even if your job doesn’t allow you to go on long vacations, try planning short trips now and then. You can also find out other ways of lessening stress like spending a relaxing day at the spa.
- 6. Exercise- If you have weak health, the fame, the money, and everything else you earn will be of no use. So, start exercising as your body needs love and care too. Exercising doesn’t mean you have to spend hours at the gym. You can cycle, swim or walk for fifteen minutes in the evening or morning.
Implementing these simple changes in your lifestyles will actually bring you big results. You will feel happier, healthier and your productivity will also increase.
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