
Some easy steps to stay healthy if you are pregnant



A woman is a nurturer by nature. And when pregnant she needs to take care of two. This is why it is absolutely necessary for a woman to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. This not only reduces the chances of complications but also ensures the birth of a healthy baby. So here are some super easy steps to follow if you want to stay fit during that period:

Happy Tummy- Happy Mommy

Eating well is a must during pregnancy. This doesn’t mean eating whatever you like but to maintain a proper well balanced nutritious diet. For mommy it reduces anemic tendencies and other problems like exhaustion, morning sickness etc. In case of the baby it reduces chances of defects associated with birth and helps the mother give birth to a healthy baby.

Your diet must include:

  • 1. Carbohydrates
  • 2. Protein (especially fish)
  • 3. Vitamin C and D
  • 4. Lots of fruits and vegetables
  • 5. Foods those are full of iron

Regular exercise

Exercising regularly has multiple benefits not only for the mommy but for the baby too.

Some of the healthy exercises include:

Swimming, yoga, pilates etc.

These exercises will benefit you in many ways, which include:

  • 1. Helping you to stay fit and carry a healthy weight when you are pregnant
  • 2. Avoid complications like high BP
  • 3. Helping you to easily cope up with the bodily transformations
  • 4. Helping to deal with mood swings
  • 5. Increasing the probabilities of a normal baby birth

However sports activities although are healthy during pregnancy it is better to consult the doctor first and stop if there is any possibility of a fall.

Bye Bye Alcohol

Baby or no baby consuming alcohol is always harmful. However, the chances of risk increase rapidly during pregnancy. Because alcohol of any type is able to reach the baby through the mother’s body. Especially during the first three months it might lead to even miscarriage. It can cause other problems as well – like affecting the growth of the baby’s brain. So it is absolutely necessary to say goodbye to alcohol during pregnancy. Don’t need to get depressed. Mocktails will get you going through it.

Say No to Smoking

Smoking kills and we all know it. However the case of a pregnant woman is tenderer and the chances of damages are higher. It might result into:

  • 1. The baby being prematurely born1
  • 2. Low weight of the baby
  • 3. Birth of a stillborn

Smoking is responsible for other complications during pregnancy as well. It includes miscarriage, placental abruption etc.

Take Rest

It is absolutely necessary to get enough rest during pregnancy. A pregnant woman might face problems like fatigue and exhaustion. Taking enough rest and sleep help deal with that.

Visit Your Doctor

This is of utmost importance because it is impossible for someone to understand the bodily changes properly and deal with them. This is why having a constant monitoring is necessary. Discuss with your doctor any problems you face.

Giving birth to a baby is a beautiful experience and one must enjoy the entire process. There is no need to worry. Just following the routine, a proper diet and these healthy habits might help deal with the problems easily.

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